From Kathy Fulton
Friends, so many people have asked us what they can do to help immediately for the efforts to help the people in Haiti who have been affected by Hurricane Matthew. I have come up with:
1) For Immediate Relief Efforts
It is best to support organizations that are already on the ground and are able to directly access the areas of greatest need immediately by air or water. An organization that we know is already in process of providing immediate need and could use financial help is Mission Aviation Fellowship:…
2) For Other relief efforts to come in the short-term
we know of an organization that provides potable water systems and are already in the south with supplies to provide clean water for tens of thousands:
3) For the months ahead
We know that there will be ongoing medical needs with other issues. Although we are in the north part of Haiti in a less affected area, we have been sending supplies to the south and hope to be able to treat the upcoming disease upsurge as well as to help in the south. We would enjoy the help in days ahead as well.
4) We would suggest that you give to established, smaller organizations like those listed above, who are already mobilized. Please do not send supplies or people as the need right now is for financial assistance.
5) Please continue to pray for all of the people affected, the aid workers on the ground and all of us who care so deeply for our brothers and sisters in Haiti who are hurting.
Blessings and if you have questions, just let us know!
Hurricane Matthew will likely bring an abundance of patients to our hospital. In preparation, if you would like to help with supplies and expenses, donate here.
OCTOBER 11, 2016
From Mark Fulton 10:30AM
“To specifically our CHOG friends: The south part of Haiti, where hurricane Matthew hit the hardest, is home to about 35ish CHOG churches (called Leglies de Dieu Reformee in Haiti). Only a handful have reported in at this point. Tomorrow, a truck will be loaded with supplies to take to the CHOG pastors in the south, inclusive of rice, clothes, medicine and other supplies. I am priveldeged to accompany the supply shipment and represent the greater CHOG community. They (the pastors) are rounding up patients who need help the worst and we can transport them back to our hospital if necessary, but hopefully be able to treat them while there. Our physical efforts will be but a drop in the bucket, but hopefully the prayers and encouragement will get them through another day. Thank you, my friends! We appreciate your prayers and support!!”
From MHM’s Facebook Page
Please pray for Mark and Kathy, as they travel south to help with #HurricaneMatthew relief. They are taking 15 barrels of clothing, supplies and meds and will be spending several days this week giving aid and prayers to those in the heart of the destruction.
OCTOBER 8, 2016
From Mark Fulton
“Kathy and I are back in Port au Prince after 7 days in the Arcahaie/St Ard area and then a day in Gonaives. From our observations, the storm surge damaged homes and destroyed fishing boats/canoes along the ocean in those area, took very few lives and caused some minor damage but absolutely nothing compared to the damage in the south part of Haiti. We continue to hurt and pray for our friends in the south, We are unsure IF this will occur, but we await the respiratory issues that often come after a storm such as this, the mosquito borne illnesses that often follows and potentially cholera in our area and throughout. Mission Haiti Medical, in conjunction with the Church of God in Haiti, was able to provide some food to the people who were displaced in the St Ard area (over 1000 people served) and was able to send 15 barrels of clothes and medicine to the hardest hit areas in the south of Haiti. Pray for those in the south who have lost everything as we pray for wisdom to know how to help in the best way possible. We will keep you updated.”
OCTOBER 5, 2016
From Kathy Fulton
“The rain here has subsided and we are learning that in the Arcahaie area, many homes have standing water and property damage mainly due to rain. The area hardest hit appears to be in the south. We don’t know many details of the extent of damage there due to communications being down and a main bridge down that connects Port Au Prince to the south. Continue to pray for those affected by the storm and those yet to be affected by the storm. Even in the midst of disaster, we continue to know that God is good, all the time.”

Taken from the clinic October 4, 2016
October 4, 2016
From Kathy Fulton at 8:49PM
“Still raining here, vascillating between a “steady rain” and “pouring rain”. It has not let up. We have not had strong sustained winds today here, unlike so many other areas in Haiti. We don’t have communication capabilities with communities in the south, where it hit the hardest. We are expecting there will be many tragedies, followed by higher incidence of mosquito-borne illnesses, negative impact on agriculturally-based livelihoods, and other related situations. The medical team here has worked tirelessly to organize and equip the hospital to best meet patients’ needs once this passes. Thank you so much for your prayers.”
From Mark Fulton at 2:59PM
“Good afternoon, friends, from St Ard, Haiti! As the Hurricane Matthew rain continues to fall and we see the waters rise, we become more and more concerned about our friends who don’t have the safe place that we do. Our little hospital is closed today but Kathy and I and a small group from IN are at the clinic to handle emergencies.. We are gathering supplies to help those who have had all of their belongings and home swept away. Continue to pray for our Haitian friends!! We might even take a few prayers as well, as we pray for wisdom for the best way to help, the strength to do so and the provisions we need to give.God is good, and continues to be in charge!”
“All are well on the Saintard compound. The US medical team is working in the hospital to organize and prepare (currently no patients or Haitian staff here) and the children and others are hunkering down in the guesthouse and children’s home, and preparing supplies for those in need after the storm passes. We are so grateful to have sturdy buildings to weather the storm. It is raining hard and the winds are beginning to pick up. I believe the next several hours will be the most severe here. I understand that the south part of Haiti was hit hard, and many had insufficient shelter. Continue to pray.”
From Kathy Fulton at 7:16AM
“Around midnight Matthew began giving us a preview. We have had strong gusts of wind through the night. We have heard of reports from the south of strong sustained winds snapping and stripping trees. Agriculture in Haiti will be affected for a long time to come. I understand that we here have not yet really begun to experience Matthew.”
OCTOBER 3, 2016
From Mark Fulton at 1:43PM
“Thanks to all who are praying for our friends in Haiti! Please continue! I think that the forecast is: 100% chance of rain; 100% chance of wind and >100% chance that God is in charge.”
From Kathy Fulton at 12:39PM
“Steady rain, straight down so far. Expecting 8-12” and lots of wind. Good news that Matthew is now a category 3, and going right between Jamaica and Haiti (had been coming closer to Haiti, and had been a category 4). It is moving slowly which could mean more rain, and the rainfall forecast is around 24″ for the southern peninsula. Pray that folks who live in the south and in substandard housing are protected. Today we are working around the St. Ard clinic, where shelter is close at hand.”
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